Monday Madness!

Started my day off looking into the bathroom mirror at the person staring back with the crazy hair and the one flexi rod that was in from the night before (when I got frustrated and totally gave up! Lol) 

Only had a few hours to figure out what I was going to do between dealing with life’s curve balls: A nagging back injury that doesn’t seem to go away & just lingers in that “Fml” stage, a jury duty summons that made me regret ever being a voter (oook, I guess that was a little too harsh but who actually LIKES jury duty?!) and lastly the rats nest sitting on my head. I had to think…Quick.

Finished the other Flexi Rods and just went to work, aside from a few confusing moments that is. Lol. I made it on time for everything and put on a brave face! Couldn’t wait to get home and relax though…sheesh!! What a day! 
